• 2022-05-28
    No sooner ________ themselves in their seats in the theatre ________ the curtain went up.
  • had they settled; than


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      Up went the prices and _________

    • 1

      I was frightened when I went to bed, especially ________ (as, for) my room was sofar up.

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      As I was trying to clean up the mess, the lights and we couldn’t see anything. A: ran out B: went out C: ran up D: went up

    • 3

      “I really need to freshen up.” Here, “to freshen up” means . ( )

    • 4

      4 Change the bold words to it or them. Put the pronoun in the correct place. ► Look up the word. Look it up. ► Look up both words. Look them up. 1 Take off your jacket. ________________