• 2022-05-27
    ______’s literary achievements can be divided into three groups, the early poetic works, the middle prose pamphlets and the last great poems.
    A: William Shakespeare
    B: Christopher Marlowe
    C: John Donne
    D: John Milton
  • D


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      William Shakespeare, Christopher Marlowe and ______ are the best representatives of the English humanists. A: Edmund Spenser B: Francis Bacon C: John Milton D: Thomas More

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      The most famous dramatists in the Renaissance England are Christopher Marlowe, ______ and Ben Jonson. A: John Milton B: William Shakespeare C: Daniel Defoe D: Henry Fielding

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      Paradise Lost is a masterpiece by ______. A: Christopher Marlow B: William Shakespeare C: John Milton D: Ben Johnson

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      John Donne’s poems can be divided into two categories: ______ and______. A: the scared verses B: sonnets C: the youthful love lyrics D: lank verses

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      In the late 17th century, the most famous writers were ______. A: John Bunyan and John Milton B: John Bunyan and John Donne C: John Donne and John Milton D: John Donne and Francis Bacon