He ______ us _______ his sudden anger.
A: fell upon
B: surprised......with
C: search for
D: do resarch on
A: fell upon
B: surprised......with
C: search for
D: do resarch on
- Tears _______ the letter she was reading. A: fell upon B: surprised......with C: search for D: do resarch on
- He _____ us ____his sudden anger. A: are happy B: are sad C: surprised with D: are unhappy
- He punched the pillow in an effort to ______ his anger.
- I was in some doubt as to whether the Corporal had stumbled upon us accidentally on his way out of the town. A: crashed on B: bumped into C: fell against D: puzzled about
- He tried to _______ his anger. A: disarm B: restrain C: pose D: include