• 2022-05-27
    English bourgeois revolution began in ______with the uprising of Scotland.
    A: 1640
    B: 1688
    C: 1649
    D: 1689
  • A


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      中国大学MOOC: During the English Bourgeois Revolution, ____ supported Parliament and ____ stood on the side of the king.

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      which king was executed in the English bourgeois revolution? A: Charles II B: James II C: Cromwell D: Charles I

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      The English bourgeois revolution was carried out under the cloak of religion. The bourgeoisie found an ideological weapon— ______ in the Christian religion.

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      (     ) was the religious cloak of the English Bourgeois Revolution which advocated God's supreme authority over human beings.

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      when did Scotland join the Union by agreement of the English and Scottish parliaments?(2分) A: in 1715 B: in 1688 C: in 1745 D: in 1707