• 2022-05-27
    Forbidden City 是指?
    A: 禁区
    B: 紫禁城
    C: 天安门
    D: 长安街
  • B


    • 0

      ()是汉代属国使节馆舍的所在地,在长安城南门内。 A: 东市 B: 长安街 C: 藁街 D: 驰道

    • 1

      故宫又称紫禁城,其正确英文翻译为( )。 A: The Forbidden City B: The Summer Palace C: The Great Wall D: Shaolin Temple

    • 2

      Many visitors praised the magnificent architecture of the Palace _________. A: known to foreigners for the Forbidden City B: known for foreigners to be the Forbidden City C: known for foreigners as the Forbidden City D: known to foreigners as the Forbidden City

    • 3


    • 4

      故宫旧称“紫禁城”,请问哪个是故宫的正门? A: 瑞门 B: 午门 C: 乾清门 D: 天安门