Forbidden City是什么意思?
A: 天坛
B: 故宫
C: 颐和园
A: 天坛
B: 故宫
C: 颐和园
- Forbidden City is _______ A: 天安门广场 B: 颐和园 C: 天坛 D: 紫禁城
- The Forbidden City 指的是_______。 A: 北京城 B: 紫禁城 C: 颐和园 D: 天坛
- Chinese people also call the Forbidden City as “the Purple Forbidden City”, because it is translated from its Chinese name____________. A: Zi Jin Cheng (紫禁城) B: Gugong (故宫) C: Yiheyuan (颐和园) D: Yuanmingyuan (圆明园)
- A、故宫B、天坛C、颐和园D、圆明园
- Where was the Jitian Ritual held in the Ming & Qing dynasty? A: The Altar of the God of Agriculture (先农坛). B: The Altar of Sheji (社稷坛). C: The Temple of Heaven (天坛). D: The Forbidden City (故宫).
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北京列入《世界遗产名录》的景点有() 、位于市中心的 ()、位于房山区的 ()、位于海淀区的() 、位于昌平区的(),位于崇文区的() 。() A: 故宫、天坛、周口店北京人遗址、颐和园、十三陵、长城; B: 长城、故宫、周口店北京人遗址、颐和园、十三陵、天坛; C: 十三陵、天坛、长城、故宫、周口店北京人遗址、颐和园; D: 十三陵、故宫、长城、天坛、周口店北京人遗址、颐和园。
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Many visitors praised the magnificent architecture of the Palace _________. A: known to foreigners for the Forbidden City B: known for foreigners to be the Forbidden City C: known for foreigners as the Forbidden City D: known to foreigners as the Forbidden City
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下列中国建筑属于巴洛克风格的是( ) A: 颐和园 B: 圆明园 C: 故宫 D: 天坛