• 2022-05-27
    ________ is the study of the formation of words.
    A: Phonetics
    B: Morphology
    C: Syntax
    D: Semantics
  • B


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      _______ refers to the study of the origins of words. A: Semantics B: Phonetics C: Etymology D: Stylistics

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      If the study of meaning is conducted in the context of language use, ______ comes into being. A: pragmatics B: syntax C: morphology D: semantics

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      It is generally agreed that linguistics usually include at least six sub-branches, namely, phonology, phonetics, morphology, syntax, semantics and ________. A: Psychology B: Culture C: Sociology D: Pragmatics

    • 3

      ( )studies the way words are formed. A: Lexicology B: Phonology C: Morphology D: Syntax E: Semantics F: Pragmatics G: Etymology H: Stylistics

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      ( )deals with the meaning of words, phrases and sentences. A: Lexicology B: Phonology C: Morphology D: Syntax E: Semantics F: Pragmatics G: Etymology H: Stylistics