• 2022-05-27
  • 错误


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    • 1

      If a small soda can contains 300 ml of soda, how many liters of soda are in 25 cans A: (A) 0.75 B: (B) 7.5 C: (C) 75 D: (D) 750 E: (E) 7,500

    • 2

      What happens to the price of soda?

    • 3

      What happens to the soda price?

    • 4

      在西餐宴会摆台时,下列哪些说法是正确的( )。 A: 甜点叉、甜点勺平行摆放在装饰盘的正前方1CM处 B: 甜点叉在下 ,甜点勺在上 C: 甜点叉在上 ,甜点勺在下 D: 叉柄向左,勺柄朝右