Ren is the core of Daoism, which means to love people.
- Confucius interpreted ren as love of people, which begins with the love for oneself.
- Ren means _________. A: love B: humaneness C: benevalence D: people
- Humanism in Chinese means the notion of “__”, “cherish people ”, “love people” and “the __ of people
- Which of the following statements about ren are true? A: Ren is at the core of Confucius teachings. B: Ren is a concept that is easy to define precisely. C: Ren is a deep concern for the welfare of others. D: Ren is the highest moral principle.
- Confucians hold the view that Ren(仁,benevolence ) means loving others all in the same way—an all-embracing love。