- 我们有没有一些线索可以串联起来,以便更好地理解这件事? A: Arethereanycluesandhintsforustopiecetogethertogainabetterunderstandingofthematter? B: Dowehavesomecluesandhintstopiecetogethertounderstandthethingmorebetter? C: Isthereanycluesandhintsforustopiecetogethertounderstandthematterbetter?
- 我们有没有一些线索可以串联起来,以便更好地理解这件事? A: Do we have some wires and lines to piece together so that we can understand the thing better? B: Are there any clues and hints for us to piece together to gain a better understanding of the matter?
- 我们有没有一些线索可以串联起来,以便更好地理解这件事? A: Are there any clues and hints for us to piece together to gain a better understanding of the matte B: Are there any clue and hint for us to piece together to gain a better understanding of the matte C: Are there any clues and hints for us to piece together to gain a better understand of the matte D: Are there any clue and hint for us to piece together to gain a better understand of the matte
- 《城南旧事》没有一个完整和延续的故事线索,而是按照英子的成长,串联起了()件事。
- 产品细节图片可以多放些介绍文字,以便买家更好的了解产品