• 2022-05-27
    When did the man move into the new flat
    A: Church Street, Randwick.
    B: Randwick Street, Church.
    C: Walter Street, Randwick.
  • A


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      Almost every city has such commercial zones. Like the Oxford Street and Regent Street in New York as well as the Fifth Avenue and Madison Street in London.

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      The old man ____ down the street with a dog.

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      The business street in the Back Mountain and Back River area is called ______. A: Hangzhou Street B: Suzhou Street C: Yangzhou Street

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      ‎ ‏When did DARPA finish street mapping projects?‏‎ ‏ A: In the 1950s. B: In the 1960s. C: In the 1970s. D: In the 1980s.

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      When did DARPA finish street mapping projects? A: In the 1950s. B: In the 1960s. C: In the 1970s. D: In the 1980s.