A: 正确
B: 错误
- 中国大学MOOC: The author’s teaching assistants told him about the “getting by” game. (A Vision of Students Today)
- "Well, well, that's enough," Grandpa _____ him _____just as he was about to tell another story. A: in ...face B: turned ... side C: cut ... short D: looked ... around
- Why don’t students like the author’s vision of their future?
- 下面语句中,正确的是( )。 A: printf("%c ","student"); B: printf("%c ","c"); C: printf("%s ",&a); D: printf("%s ","hello");
- The author dislikes the disposable culture in the modern society. ("Backyard Agrarian’s 30 Days Without Packaged Food") A: 正确 B: 错误
- 0
It's not right ___ him to give up the game. A: for B: about C: of D: from
- 1
下列语句中,正确的是()。 A: char*s;s="Olympic"; B: chars[7];s="Olympic"; C: char*s;s={"Olympic"}; D: chars[7];s={"Olympic"};
- 2
以下字符串定义错误的是___________。 A: char s[7]="Teacher"; B: char s[]="Teacher"; C: char s[10]={"Teacher"}; D: char s[10]="Teacher";
- 3
针对字符串的不同表达方式,下面说法错误的有( )。 A: char *s="girl"; 等价于 char *s; s="girl"; B: char *s="girl"; 等价于 char *s; *s="girl"; C: char s[4]= "boy"; 等价于 char *s= "boy"; D: char s[10]={"girl"}; 等价于 char s[10]; s[10]={"girl"};
- 4
下列选项中正确的语句组是? char; s[8];; *s="Beijing";|char; s[8];; s={"Beijing"};;;|char; *s;; s="Beijing";|char; *s;; *s={"Beijing"};