• 2022-05-27
    ______ of them has his own opinion.
    A: Both
    B: Some
    C: Every
    D: Each
  • D


    • 0

      Each and every one of the flowers has their own colors and smells.

    • 1

      三百六十行,行行出状元。下面哪个翻译最准确? A: Every job has its own leading authority. B: Every profession produces its own leading authority. C: Every position produces its own leading authority. D: Every person has his own authority.

    • 2

      Everyone________the right to his own opinion.

    • 3

      ________of the boys has got a pencil and some paper. A: All B: Every C: Everyone D: Each

    • 4

      _____ boxer was strong, but _____ had a good build and was light on his feet. A: Either/every B: Neither/each C: Both/both D: All the/all