• 2021-04-14
    Before the cross-border optical fibers were interconnected, some problems hindered the interconnection between Burmese and the world. The problems are _________.
  • poor communication effectthere were no online paymentthere were no cross-border e-commerce industry


    • 0

      In the second paragraph, the author gives two examples of social problems to show that ______. A: social problems are on the rise currently B: the government does not try hard to solve such problems C: some attacks on such problems are often blind D: such problems often go unsolved

    • 1

      The teacher have had some problems deciding ________.

    • 2

      Some problems may appear too ________ to solve.

    • 3

      They still have some problems _____ in designing the energy vehicles.

    • 4

      The town suffered great disasters was made up by me. But in the real world, it’s quite common to find towns which were troubled by the problems I described above.