in vitro fertilization是指体外受精。( )
- what is in vitro fertilization? A: 体外受精 B: 胚胎培养 C: 受孕 D: 试管婴儿
- 体外受精即是将精子和卵子人为控制在体外完成受精过程发育成胚胎,再将胚胎移植给受体母亲,出生婴儿的技术。(In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a technology whereby sperm and ovum are artificially fertilized in vitro to develop into embryos, which are then transferred to the recipient mother to give birth to a baby.)
- 中国大学MOOC: what is in vitro fertilization?
- 淡水硬骨鱼的生殖方式() A: 体外受精、体外发育 B: 体内受精、体外发育 C: 体内受精、体内发育 D: 体外受精、体内发育
- 东方蝾螈的生殖方式为( )。 A: 体内受精、体内发育 B: 体内受精、体外发育 C: 体外受精、体外发育 D: 体外受精、体内发育