• 2021-04-14
    Hangzhou is the place_____Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba is headquartered.
  • where


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      The National People's Congress (全国人民代表大会)approved to set up Hangzhou Cross-Border E-Commerce Comprehensive Pilot Area in 2015.

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      Maybe Ma Yun hasn’t expected that Alibaba can _____ its present position in e-commerce within only 15 years.

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      Which of the following can be considered synonymous with the term e-commerce? A: e-business B: digital commerce C: the Internet D: the Web

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      有一批货物从杭州经由上海港海运至加拿大温哥华,再转铁路运去加拿大多伦多。以下多式联运单据中有关装运地和目的地的正确写法是( ) A: Place of Receipt: Hangzhou, Port of Discharge: Shanghai, Place of Delivery: Toronto, Port of Loading: Vancouve B: Place of Receipt: Hangzhou, Port of Discharge: Vancouver, Place of Delivery: Toronto, Port of Loading: Shanghai C: Place of Delivery: Hangzhou, Port of Delivery: Shanghai, Place of Receipt: Toronto, Port of Loading: Vancouve D: Place of Delivery: Toronto, Port of Loading: Hangzhou, Place of Delivery: Vancouver, Port of Discharge: Shanghai

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      DHgateis a Chinese e-commerce platform which focuses on business-to-customer sales.