A: Right.
B: Wrong.
C: Doesn’tSay.
A: Right.
B: Wrong.
C: Doesn’tSay.
- SonoraDoddheldthefirstFather’sDaycelebrationinJune,1909. A: Right. B: Wrong. C: Doesn’tsay.
- Magazines are quite different from newspapers. A: Right. B: Wrong. C: Doesn'tsay.
- Everyone have their own kinds of magazines to read. A: Right. B: Wrong. C: Doesn'tsay.
- Oneday,apoorman,whohadonlyonepieceofbreadtoeat,waswalkingpastarestaurant.Therewasalargepotofsouponthetable.Thepoormanheldhisbreadoverthesoup,sothesteamfromthesoupwentintothebread,andgaveitagoodsmell’.Thenheatethebread. A: Right. B: Wrong. C: Doesn’tsay.
- Mr. White didn't know he was in the wrong train. A: Right. B: Wrong. C: Doesn't say.