• 2022-05-27
    How many countries and regions have participated in the B&R initiative? What are they?More than countries and regions. They are Asia, Asia, Asia, Asia, Asia, and eastern Europe, eastern Europe and north .
  • 60# southeast# east# central# south# west# central# Africa


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      How many countries are there in South Asia? And what are they?南亚有哪些国家

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      中国大学MOOC: How many countries are there in the continent of Asia?

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      Which of the following regions have the largest coal deposits? A: Europe B: South America C: Central America D: Asia/Pacific E: Africa

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      and is in both Europe and ( Asia / Africa ).

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      How many countries are there in the continent of Asia? A: 50 B: 48 C: 46 D: 44