• 2022-05-27
    In the business cycle, which could be described as a period of high growth with high borrowing?
    A: Recession
    B: Slump
    C: Recovery
    D: Boom
  • D


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      Depression has the epidemiological characteristics of“Three High”and “One Low”, namely ( ) and low recovery rate. A: High Incidence B: High recurrence rate C: High suicide rate D: High rate of teratogenesis

    • 1

      The business cycle progresses from an expansion to a peak to a recession and then to a trough.

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      In general, what features should a leading industry have? A: high coefficient of comparative advantage B: high industry correlation C: high demand and income elasticity D: high rate of productivity growth

    • 3

      ​In the period of short supply of agricultural products, crop production mainly takes () as the goal.‍ A: security B: high efficiency C: high quality D: high yield

    • 4

      中国大学MOOC: Which of the following organisations might benefit from a period of high price inflation?