• 2022-05-27
    The food supplies are ________ to meet the needs of the hungry.
    A: unenough
    B: inenough
    C: unadequate
    D: inadequate
  • D


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      ‎Food security implies that food is available in absolute quantities to meet the needs of the present generation.‍

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      Food security implies that food is available in absolute quantities to meet the needs of the present generation.

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      Food security implies that food is available in absolute quantities to meet the needs of the present generation. A: 正确 B: 错误

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      17e0c4b96f0c3d4.pngFood supplies in that region are and people there often go hungry.

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      2. Food, not only to meet the needs of the _______ so simple, it has become a kind of________, a kind of _______, even a kind of ________.