• 2022-05-27
    The world's largest rice growing continent is ().
    A: Asia
    B: Africa
    C: America
    D: Europe
  • A


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      The first people on the American continent came from ______as early as 12,000 years ago. A: Europe B: Africa C: Asia D: South America

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      China is in _____. A: Asia B: Europe C: Africa D: America

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      Asia has overtaken Europe and America to become the world’s biggest beer-drinking continent because Asians have been brewing beer for more than 7000 years .

    • 3

      4. Which continent is the biggest? A: Africa B: Asia C: Oceania D: North America

    • 4

      The Belt and Road Initiative is a grand plan to connect Asia with Europe and ( ). A: Australia B: North America C: Africa D: South America