• 2022-05-27
    Listen to the conversation and circle the appropriate letter. Which kind of insurance is most loved by people
    A: the medical insurance
    B: the unemployment insurance
    C: the endowment insurance
  • B


    • 0

      Insurance Certificate is kind of simplified Insurance Policy, but the rights and obligations are omitted, so it has no legal validity as the Insurance Policy.

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      Listen to the conversation and circle the appropriate letter. What kind of people does the company most want to attract A: professors B: workers C: university students

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      An insurance agreement is called an ( ). A: insurance form B: Insurance policy C: insurance cover D: insurance premium

    • 3

      Which department is not one of the 4 departments within the newly established CBIRC, which specifically in charge of insurance regulation? ( ) A: Property and Casualty Insurance Supervision B: Life Insurance Supervision C: Insurance Marketing Department D: Insurance Fund Investment Supervision Department

    • 4

      As for business travelers, the appropriate medical and travel insurance that extends into the countries of destination is of great importance.