• 2021-04-14
    The Puritan’s emphasis on self-improvement, self-analysis, and moral and ethical values,along with the Enlightener’s emphasis on rationalism,order,and education,could find fine expression in it.
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      class Person: def __init__(self,n="xxx"): self.name=n class Student(Person): def __init__(self,s="male"): self.sex=s def show(self): print(self.name,self.sex) s=Student("female") s.show() 结果:

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      class Student: def __init__(self,n="xxx",s="男"): self.name=n self.sex=s def show(self): print(s.name,s.sex) s=Student("yyy") Student.show(s) 结果:

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      class Student: def __init__(self,n="xxx",s="男"): self.name=n self.sex=s def show(self): print(s.name,s.sex)s=Student("yyy")Student.show(s)结果: A: yyy 男 B: xxx 男 C: Student.show(s)错误 D: def __init__(self,n="xxx",s="男")错误

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      “Of course, that’s not her _____ self”, the professor said.

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      We learn from the passage that the author's mother used to lay emphasis on ________. A: learning Latin B: natural development C: discipline D: education at school