- The novel Vanity Fair is the masterpiece of the author ________.
- The title of the novel “ Vanity Fair ” was taken from Bunyan's masterpiece _____. A: The pilgrim's Progress B: Gulliver's Travels C: Hard Times D: Wuthering Heights
- Vanity is the name of town in John Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress, and at the town there is a fair kept, called Vanity Fair.
- ______gives a vivid and satirical picture of Vanity Fair which is the symbol of London at the time of Restoration.
- Orgon has a strong vanity and desire to control his children.
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______ is one of the most remarkable passages in John Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress. A: Holy Living B: Holy Dying C: Vanity Fair D: Lycidas
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The most famous part in The Piligrim's Progress is ________________, where truth is rarely found. A: the Vanity Fair B: the Shadow of Humuliation C: the Castle of Despair D: the Slough of Despond
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假定通用对话框的名称为CommonDialogl,命令按钮的名称为Commandl,则单击命令按钮后,能使打开的对话框的标题为"New Title"的事件过程是______。 A: Pdvate Sub Commandl_click() CommonDialogDialogTitle="New Title" CommonDialogShowPrinter End Sub B: Private Sub Cormnandl_click() CommonDialogDialogTitle="New Title" CommonDialogShowFont End Sub C: Private Sub Commandl_click() CommonDialogDialogTitle="New Title" CommonDialogShowOpen End Sub D: Pfivate Sub Commandl_click() CommonDialogDialogTitle="New Title" CommonDialogShowColor End Sub
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Bunyan's most important work is ______, written in the old-fashioned, medieval form of allegory and dream. A: The Footprint B: On His Blindness C: Vanity Fair D: The Pilgrim's Progress
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_____has the title of “Sage of Character-creation”?