• 2022-05-27
    When speaking in public, __________.
    A: speech should be understood
    B: speech should be easy to understand
    C: one should make himself understood
    D: one should make listeners understand
  • C


    • 0

      He managed to make himself ____ with his broken English. A: understand B: understanding C: understood D: to understand

    • 1

      You should make a reasonable timetable to make sure what you should do one by one.

    • 2

      1.We should use as many props as possible when giving a speech to make it vivid and dynamic.

    • 3

      It's not always possible to make oneself ________ in a foreign country. A: understood B: understand C: to be understood D: to understand

    • 4

      . If you understand what I have said before, then the two conditions should be understood without any .(explain).