• 2021-04-14
    The luxury products sales in China is increasing year by year in a steady pace, and there is forecasting that it will be likely to reach 617 billion yuan in 2021. This is mainly influenced by ( ).
  • Economic factor (The influence of income distribution)


    • 0

      UNESCO estimates that providing just one year of preprimary education for all children in low and middle income countries will cost an additional ___ per year? A: $5.2 billion B: $10.2 billion C: $15.2 billion D: $20.2 billion E: $31.2 billion

    • 1

      What’s the trading volume between China and UK? A: 1 billion dollars per day. B: 70 billion dollars per year. C: 17 billon dollars per year. D: 50 billion dollars per year

    • 2

      year = 2021 下面语句中可以正确输出"2021年"的有: A: print(year + "年") B: print(str(year) + "年") C: print(f {year}年 ) D: print( {}年 .format(year))

    • 3

      Freshman year is the most special year in a young adult's life mainly because they will acquire new knowledge.

    • 4

      They spend about a billion dollars a year in education and something like that.