Afundamentalquestion in ageing research is whether humans and other species possess animmutablelife-span limit. A theoretical study suggested the maximum human lifespan to be around 125 years. The longest-living person whose dates of birth and death were verified to the modern normsof Guinness World Records and the Gerontology Research Group was Jeanne Calment, a French lady who lived to 122. Reduction of infant mortality has accounted for most of the increased average life spanlongevity, but since the 1960s, mortality rates among those over 80 years have decreased by about 1.5% per year. The progress being made in lengthening lifespans and postponingsenescenceis entirely due to medical and public-health efforts, rising standards of living, better education, healthier nutrition and moresalubriouslifestyles.Match the word underlined in the passage with its synonym given in the choicesfundamental ( )
A: ageing
B: central
C: fixed
D: standards
E: length
A: ageing
B: central
C: fixed
D: standards
E: length
- What is worth noting from the example of Athens County is that______. A: greater efforts should be made to improve people's living standards B: 70 percent of the people there have been employed for two years C: 40 percent of the population no longer relies on welfare D: the living standards of most people are going down
- The quality of life in a country would be demonstrated by the A: death rate and total fertility rate. B: life expectancy and infant mortality rate. C: total birth rate and death rate. D: total fertility rate and birth rate. E: birth rate and infant mortality rate.
- There is large concentration of ownership today ______. A: although competition among them has increased B: so the quality standards from them have declined C: and this means that the qualifications of reporters is declining D: but the standards among newsrooms has improved over the years
- Which following statements are correct about ageing? (choose all of the appropriate choices) A: people with 60 years or over B: a universal human experience C: a dynamic state of existence that changes with one's perspective D: based on societal views of ageing E: based on cultural beliefs about the meaning of being old
- According to the passage, it has long been believed that ______. A: people in poor countries scarcely know how to enjoy a high standard of living B: the world's resources being limited, the people in underdeveloped countries are bound to live a poor life C: most Americans know that the world's resources of many kinds are becoming scarce D: it is impossible for all the people in the world to improve their living standards