• 2021-04-14
    智慧职教: 7.Inform all personnel to evacuate from the flooded engine room to boat deck.
  • Inform people to leave the engine room and go to boat deck.


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      When you find a suspiciously manoeuvred vessel in vicinity, what should you do? A: Inform Master and alert crew on deck B: Inform Master and put on all deck lights C: Inform Officer on Watch D: Keep lookout forward

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      智慧职教: 4.Fuel oil is leaking to sea from deck scuppers starboard.

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      As we usually say, the engine room refers to the narrow sense of the engine room. It is_____. A: a cabin contain the engine B: steering gear room C: air conditioning room D: all of the above

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      NAVTEX is a simple, cheap, automated receiver which can be mounted_______________. A: on the bridge B: on the deck C: in the holds D: in the engine room

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      智慧职教: S1:Who takes charge of the fire-fighting equipment in the engine room? S2:In general, the second engineer takes charge of it. Q: Who takes charge of the fire-fighting equipment in the engine room?