• 2022-05-27
    When was the Glorious Revolution in Great Britain?
    A: in 1688
    B: in 1707
    C: in 1801
    D: in 1066
  • A


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      The Glorious Revolution of 1688 put _______on the throne.

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      The British Bourgeis Revolution ended in 1688 with the Glorious Revolution that marked the establishment of _______.

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      The Glorious Revolution in 1688 limited the power of the monarch and guaranteed the authority of Parliament, removed the ruling monarch and established Constitutional Monarchy.

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      when did Scotland join the Union by agreement of the English and Scottish parliaments?(2分) A: in 1715 B: in 1688 C: in 1745 D: in 1707

    • 4

      Many historians believe the Glorious Revolution was one of the most important event leading to Britain’s from an absolute monarchy to a constitutional monarchy.