People plunged in a totally new
culture usually experience what is known as “culture ( )”
A: shiver
B: shock
C: shoot
D: shot
culture usually experience what is known as “culture ( )”
A: shiver
B: shock
C: shoot
D: shot
- People plunged in a totally new<br/>culture usually experience what is known as “culture( )” A: shiver B: shock C: shoot D: shot<br/>n.颤抖,哆嗦(因寒冷、恐惧、激动等);寒战,寒噤<br/>shock<br/>n.震惊;惊愕;令人震惊的事;休克; <br/>shoot<br/>n.幼苗;嫩芽;新枝;拍摄;摄影;狩猎;狩猎场 <br/>shot<br/>n.射击;开枪(或炮);枪(或炮)声;优秀(或不高明等的)射手,枪手,炮手;铅沙弹
- Experiencing culture shock upon returning home after spending time in a foreign country is known as: ( )。 A: Culture Shock Returns B: Culture Shock C: Culture Shock Part 2 D: Reverse Culture Shock
- Tourists often suffer from culture shock. What are some other situations in which people suffer from culture shock?
- What is culture shock?
- Match the term with its definition.A stage of culture shock, in which the new arrivals may feel euphoric and be pleased by all of the new things encountered. A: culture shock B: reverse culture shock C: recovery stage D: low-contest culture E: repression F: honeymoon stage G: rejection H: high-context culture