• 2022-05-27
    It's the first time that she has been to the United States, ______
    A: isn' t she
    B: hasn' t she
    C: isn' t it
    D: hash' t it
  • C


    • 0

      She is going to call you, _____? A: won't she B: isn't she C: hasn't she D: doesn't she

    • 1

      She looks like her mother,(). A: doesn’t she B: isn’t she C: hasn’t she D: won’t she

    • 2

      She’s from Hong Kong, ? A: is she? B: has she? C: isn’t she D: doesn’t she?

    • 3

      She was very proud, ________? A: isn’t it B: wasn’t it C: isn’t she D: wasn’t she

    • 4

      25.It is the third time that John has been late, ______?  A. hasn’t he   B. isn’t he       C. isn’t it       D. hasn’t it A: hasn’t he B: isn’t he C: isn’t it D: hasn’t it