• 2022-05-27
    As _________ matter of fact, _________ beauty of _________ nature there made an excellent impression on me.
    A: a; the; 不填
    B: a; the; the
    C: the; the; 不填
    D: a; 不填; the
  • A


    • 0

      Beyond ______ stars the astronaut saw nothingbut ______ space. A: the, 不填 B: 不填,the C: 不填,不填 D: the, the?xml:namespace>

    • 1

      I am in () charge of the class which was in () charge of my wife. A: 不填; the B: 不填; 不填 C: the; 不填 D: the; the

    • 2

      Many people are still in ____ habit of writing silly things in ____ public places.‌‎‌ A: the, the B: 不填,不填 C: . the, 不填 D: 不填,the

    • 3

      Itis________worldofwonders________worldwhereanythingcanhappen. A: a,the B: a,a C: the,a D: 不填,不填

    • 4

      OurNationalDayison_______firstdayin_______October. A: a;the B: the;a C: the;不填 D: a;不填