• 2022-05-27
    Has shaped and (9) culture changes______
  • reflected


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      It is a universal truth that language is _____ by culture and in turn it ______ culture。( ) A: shaped, influences B: influenced, reflects C: displayed, influences D: determined, reflects

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      Confucianism has evolved into a culture of rationalistic traditionalism, a combina- tion of traditional ______ and group virtues with a pragmatism shaped by the conditions of a new competitive environment. A: helm B: B. assault C: C. filial D: D. derivation

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      Scientists believe that human evolution______ A: has seldom been accompanied by climatic changes B: has exerted little influence on climatic changes C: has largely been effected by climatic changes D: has had a major impact on climatic changes

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      他有一张圆脸,满脸的胡子。怎么翻译? A: He has a round shaped face, all face is beard. B: He has a round shaped face with a full beard

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      Our strong sense of national ________has been shaped by our history