• 2022-05-27
    The No. 1 topic of British people is about weather.
  • 内容

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      People always talk about the weather because ________. A: they don’t want to talk about other topics B: everyone accepts the topic C: it is changeable D: everyone knows a lot about the weather

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      What is the main topic of the passage A: dangerous weather. B: computer and weather. C: weather forecasting. D: weather-balloon observations.

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      British people talk about the weather because A: it never changes B: it changes a lot C: it’s funny

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      In casual cnversation, British people talk about the weather because ____. A: they are fascinated by it B: it is correct behavior C: they don't like silences

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      What did they talk about(). A: Weather. B: Weather and language. C: Languages.