• 2022-05-28
    When one producer has a lower opportunity cost of production than another producer for a given item, what exists?
    A: Absolute disadvantage
    B: Comparative disadvantage
    C: Comparative advantage
    D: Absolute advantage
  • C



    • 0

      Lao Li has absolute advantages in arable land and planting. Lao Li ( ) A: Only have absolute advantages in arable land B: Only have a comparative advantage in arable land C: Only have an absolute advantage in sowing D: Only have a comparative advantage in sowing

    • 1

      Given the information in the following table, __________.[img=231x72]17de7621169bfb0.png[/img] A: neither country has a comparative advantage in cloth. B: Home has a comparative advantage in widgets. C: Foreign has a comparative advantage in widgets. D: Home has a comparative advantage in both cloth and widgets.

    • 2

      An opportunity cost is the cost of a(an) ______opportunity A: false B. C. D. B: missed C: absolute D: comparative

    • 3

      The law of comparative advantage ( ). A: explains how a country can benefit from trade even if it has absolute disadvantage in production of all commodities. B: explains how the most efficient nations can benefit from trade. C: was introduced by Adam Smith. D: is used to explain the trade between intra-industry trade.

    • 4

      中国大学MOOC: The principle of comparative advantage explains why France can produce white wine at a lower opportunity cost than the neighboring country of Germany.