• 2022-05-28
    Winston Churchill won the title of _________ for his great capability and versatility.
    A: Baron
    B: Sir
    C: Duke
    D: Marquis
  • B


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      Winston Churchill achieved fame for his famous family.

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      What happened to Winston Churchill in 1954 A: A well-known artist. B: Parliament. C: His frien

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      Winston Churchill firmly ______ his announced aim of winning the war. A: adhered to B: referred to C: saw to D: catered to

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      1.What successful people are mentioned inParagraph 2?? C)Franklin D. Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, Albert Einstein and Sigmund Freud.|B)Winston Churchill, Alber Einstein and Sigmund Freud.|A)Franklin D. Roosevelt, Winston Churchill and Alber Einstein.|D)Winston Churchill, Alber Einstein, Sigmund Freud and JK Rowling.

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      Winston Churchill and Richard Nixon were both ______ figures.