• 2022-05-28
    In real life a driver ________.
    A: always has to back into a parking place
    B: can hardly find a parking place on the first try
    C: is sure to find a parking spot after driving around a block
    D: rarely finds it difficult to get a parking space
  • B


    • 0

      Why should the driver choose a convenient parking space at the airport? A: To avoid parking fee. B: To enjoy a good view C: A.To ensure that he can park safely. D: A.To ensure that the tourists will be able to get on the bus easily and safely.

    • 1

      Turn left to Mirror Street, and you’ll find a_________(空的 spot in the parking lot there.

    • 2

      I have never seen a TV program ______ the man cannot find a parking space at the very first try.( ) A: where B: which C: when D: there

    • 3

      We had a lot of trouble a parking place when we went to have supper in this restaurant yesterday A: finding B: to find C: having found D: found

    • 4

      What can we learn about Santa Monica Beach A: It is a good place for parking cars. B: It is a good place for surfing. C: It is a good place for swimming.