- The Findlay Company held an IndependenceDay party. The company expected attendanceof 200 persons and prepared the following budget: Hotelroom rental $600 Food 400 Entertainment 800 Decorations 300 Totals $2,100 Afterall bills for the party were paid, the total came to $2,315. Details are: $575 for hotel room rental; $640for food; $750 for entertainment; and $350 for decorations. Two hundred persons attended the party. Whatis the variance in food?
- The Gotcha Company held a Christmasparty. The company expected attendanceof 200 persons and prepared the following budget: Hotelroom rental $600 Food 500 Entertainment 800 Decorations 300 Totals $2,200After all bills for the party were paid, thetotal came to $2,315. Details are: $575for hotel room rental; $640 for food; $750 for entertainment; and $350 fordecorations. Two hundred personsattended the party. Whatis the main reason for the unfavorable total budget variance? A: Hotel room rent is the main reason. B: Food is the main reason. C: Entertainment is the main reason. D: Decorations are the main reason.
- The Alpha Beta Gamma Fraternity held a Christmasparty. The fraternity expectedattendance of 200 persons and prepared the following budget: Hotelroom rental $600 Food 500 Entertainment 800 Decorations 300 Totals $2,200 Afterall bills for the party were paid, the total came to $2,315. Details are: $575 for hotel room rental; $640for food; $750 for entertainment; and $350 for decorations. Two hundred persons attended the party. Whatis the variance in hotel room rental? A: $70 unfavorable is the hotel room rental variance. B: $70 favorable is the hotel room rental variance. C: $25 favorable is the hotel room rental variance. D: $140 unfavorable is the hotel room rental variance.
- The Slamma Jamma Sorority held a party. The sorority prepared the following budgetfor 50 expected attendees: Roomrental $150 Food 310 Entertainment 150 Decorations 75 Totals $685 Afterall bills for the party were paid, the total came to $760. Details are: $240 for room rental; $320 forfood; $145 for entertainment; and $75 for decorations. Fifty persons attended the party. Whichof the following costs deserves further examination assuming the sorority usesthe management-by-exception rule?
- The Delta Delta Delta Sorority held ahomecoming party. The sorority preparedthe following budget for 50 expected attendees: Roomrental $150 Food 290 Entertainment 150 Decorations 75 Totals $665 Afterall bills for the party were paid, the total came to $660. Details are: $140 for room rental; $320 forfood; $125 for entertainment; and $75 for decorations. Fifty persons attended the party. Whatis the variance in food?
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The Delta Delta Delta Sorority held a homecoming party. The sorority prepared the following budget for 50 expected attendees: Room rental $170 Food 250 Entertainment 150 Decorations 75 Totals $645 Afterall bills for the party were paid, the total came to $660. Details are: $140 for room rental; $320 forfood; $125 for entertainment; and $75 for decorations. Fifty persons attended the party. Whatis the variance in hotel room rental? A: $30 unfavorable is the hotel room rental variance. B: $35 favorable is the hotel room rental variance. C: $30 favorable is the hotel room rental variance. D: $70 unfavorable is the hotel room rental variance.
- 1
The Animal House Fraternity held ahomecoming party. The fraternityprepared the following budget for 50 expected attendees: Roomrental $150 Food 250 Entertainment 150 Decorations 75 Totals $625 After all bills for the party were paid, thetotal came to $660. Details are: $140for room rental; $320 for food; $125 for entertainment; and $75 fordecorations. Fifty persons attended theparty. Whatis the total budget variance?
- 2
The Animal House Fraternity held ahomecoming party. The fraternityprepared the following budget for 50 expected attendees: Roomrental $150 Food 250 Entertainment 150 Decorations 75 Totals $625 After all bills for the party were paid, thetotal came to $760. Details are: $140for room rental; $320 for food; $125 for entertainment; and $175 fordecorations. Fifty persons attended theparty. Whatis the main reason for the unfavorable total budget variance?
- 3
The Animal House Fraternity held ahomecoming party. The fraternityprepared the following budget for 50 expected attendees: Roomrental $150 Food 250 Entertainment 150 Decorations 75 Totals $625After all bills for the party were paid, thetotal came to $760. Details are: $140for room rental; $320 for food; $125 for entertainment; and $175 fordecorations. Fifty persons attended theparty. Whatis the main reason for the unfavorable total budget variance? A: Room rent is the main reason. B: Food is the main reason. C: Entertainment is the main reason. D: Decorations are the main reason.
- 4
the following amounts were drawn from the records of H company: total assets=$1400, common stock=$500, retained earnings=$300. based on this information, total liabilities must be equal to: A: $300 B: $600 C: $800 D: $900