• 2022-05-28
    Which of the following is not an informal organization?
    A: The
    lunch group.
    B: The
    Friday “drinking” buddy.
    C: The
    Starbucks Coffee “regulars”.
    D: Productivity
  • D


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      Which<br/>of the following psychologists was part of the Gestalt group of<br/>psychologists? () A: Carl<br/>Rogers B: Wilhelm Wundt C: John<br/>Watson D: Max<br/>Wertheimer E: Skinner

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      Which<br/>of the following can’t keep you healthy? A: Drinking<br/>Coca-Cola in bed before going to bed. B: Swimming<br/>about two hours a week. C: Seeing<br/>the dentist twice a year. D: All<br/>of the above.

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      One group of female rats of 180-200g weight was _____ to the<br/>experimental group, another group of females to the control<br/>group.() A: accumulated B: allocated C: addicted D: attached

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      Which of the following is NOT a role of management accounting, as defined by CIMA ____? A: Deriving<br/>performance measures and benchmarks for monitoring and controlling B: Measuring<br/>and reporting financial and non-financial performance<br/>measurements to management and other stakeholders C: Checking<br/>the accuracy of the financial statements produced by the<br/>organization D: Formulating<br/>strategic and operational plans in line with the corporate<br/>objectives of the organization

    • 4

      Which<br/>of the following group of techniques belongs to Grammar-translation<br/>method. A: reading,<br/>translation, deductive teaching of grammar, memorization B: direct<br/>association, conversation practice, dictation, error correction C: drills<br/>practices, completion, mini-dialogue