• 2022-05-28
    If someone calls you on the telephone, you _____________ (pick up it, pick it up) and the conversation begins.
  • pick it up


    • 0

      — What can I do for you?— I’m wondering if you _______my mail while I’m away on a business trip? A: can pick up B: will pick up C: pick up D: could pick up

    • 1

      13. When you live in a country you soon _____ the language. A: pick to B: pick in C: pick up D: pick down

    • 2

      Thank you for _________ at the airport. A: pick me up B: picking me up C: to pick me up D: picked me up

    • 3

      —What time would you like me to () this evening for the concert—I think 6:30 will be OK. A: pick you up B: pick you in C: pick you out D: pick you off

    • 4

      You'll pick up an client at the airport. You haven't seen him before. How to pick him up A: Call him when he gets out. B: Use pick up board C: Above all