• 2021-04-14
  • 药物治疗


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      Doctors are trained to practice___________ . (medical, medicine, medication, to medicate)

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      Basic principles of medication during pregnancy () A: Medication must have indication B: The selection is effective and relatively safe for fetal C: Use alone to avoid combination therapy D: All above the is correct

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      Which<br/>of the following are the medication use principles in the elderly? ( ) A: Benefit principle B: No more than 5 drugs principle C: Small dosage principle D: Timing principle E: Medication suspension principle

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      Which of the following is the medication for the treatment of ototoxicity rather than those causing ototoxicity? A: Analgesics of quinine and salicylate B: Cisplatin, aminoglycoside antibiotics C: Glycopeptide and macrolides antibiotics D: Platinum anticancer medication, aminoglycosides

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      Methylphenidate is recommended as a first line treatment medication for ADHD. Which type of medication does it belong to? A: Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor B: Selective norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor C: Anticholinergic drugs D: Central stimulant