load which this lorry was carrying?
A: to
B: of
C: about
D: on
- I _____ from Japan, but I like China.I _____ China for five years. A: have come; have been to B: come; have been to C: come; come to D: come; have been in
- The package_____________you are carrying is about to come unwrapped. A: who B: whom C: which D: for that
- Some insurance people have already been here to ____ the damage caused by the storm. A: examine B: survey C: inspect D: investigate
- —I () to a party, but I’ve got nothing to wear. —Why don’t you have a dress made for the party A: was asked B: will ask C: have asked D: have been asked
- If you had asked me, I only____ too willing to help.() A: would have been B: will<br/>be C: would<br/>be D: shall<br/>be
- 0
If you _______ me about the problem, I could have told you the answer. A: have asked B: had asked C: asked D: ask
- 1
I forgot ______ something which I have long meant to ask you. A: to ask B: having asked C: to be asking D: to have asked
- 2
I should come to the spot soon, but that I have been much engaged with some formalities. A: I would have come to the spot soon B: I should have come to the spot soon C: I could come to the spot sooner D: I would come to the spot sooner
- 3
I ______ something about him, but I do not know much. A) told C) have been told B) had been told D) have told A: I ______ something about him, but I do not know much. B: told C: had been told D: have been told E: have told
- 4
I would have come sooner if I had known you there. A: be B: were C: had been D: would have been