• 2022-05-28
    The article gives us a real _____ into the causes of the present economic crisis.
    A: fancy
    B: outlook
    C: imaginative
    D: insight
  • D


    • 0

      The US real estate sector has been __________ by the financial crisis.

    • 1

      The book gives us fascinating ______ into life in Mexico. A: insights B: sights C: sight D: insight

    • 2

      What is US government’s first response to the economic crisis?

    • 3

      Then the speaker _____ the various factors leading to the present economic crisis. (2002.12) A: went after B: went for C: went into D: went on

    • 4

      This would enable us to ______ the current crisis and promote economic recovery and growth. A: tackle B: tab C: tickle D: trickle