While using a credit card, you must ______.
A: be sure that your expenses are not larger than your savings
B: try not to lose your money through carelessness
C: try to avoid thief
D: learn to save your money
A: be sure that your expenses are not larger than your savings
B: try not to lose your money through carelessness
C: try to avoid thief
D: learn to save your money
- How to save money while in college? A: Manage your food expenses while on campus, since meals are one of the biggest offenders when it comes to decreasing your college finances. B: Save your money through purchasing used textbooks whenever possible, pursuing scholarships whenever possible. C: Use credit cards only in an emergency, as it provides a little safety net for those months when yourmoney is extremely tight.
- Which is the focus of tip one A: You should invest less money than you can earn. B: You don’t need to try too hard to earn money to reach your goal. C: You should budget reasonably to invest your money.
- 1.There are many reasons to money. 2. People save money to buy things like cars, or so they can take a trip, or for emergencies. 3. A smarter place to save your money is in a . 4. The bank you for using your money. 5. The money they pay you is called .
- 中国大学MOOC: When you do yoga, try to your breathing. Don’t breath too fast and make sure you breathe only through your nose.
- While you are eating, you should not try to… A: hold a conversation. B: use your fork with your right hand. C: use your cell phone. D: fill your plate.