• 2022-05-28
    Where could he get to eat?
    A: The restaurant on the 2nd floor
    B: The restaurant on the 3rd floor
    C: The restaurant on the5th floor
    D: The restaurant on the1st floor
  • B


    • 0

      which floor does she stay? A: first floor B: second floor C: third floor D: fourth floor

    • 1

      eating at a restaurant that has a B is more likely to get stick than an A restaurant

    • 2

      In the UK, the first floor is actually called “ Floor”, while the second floor is called “First Floor”. A:

    • 3

      中国大学MOOC: What’s the 2nd floor in District 1 for?

    • 4

      Listen to the conversation and match each one with the right floor.A-First Floor B-Second Floor C-Third Floor D-Fourth Floor E-Fifth Floor The book shop