• 2021-04-14
    The focus of Advanced English study is, rather than word---grammar---exercise, textual analysis and perctption, appreciation and enriched, logical writing.
  • 内容

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      I am poor ____ English grammar and writing. A: at B: in C: on

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      It is not that _______ (help) in learning English to study grammar only.

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      Which of the following statement about writing is true? A: As to the way we write, writing can be both collaborative and solitary. B: If writing tasks focus on the product rather than on process, they help students to develop real writing skills.

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      Which is a better choice of word in<br/>scientific writing? A: use “initiate”<br/>rather than “begin” B: use “first”<br/>rather than “firstly” C: use<br/>“component” rather than “part” D: use “utilize”<br/>rather than “use”

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      Poster writing is an important type of academic English writing.