• 2021-04-14
    智慧职教: 轮胎规格中字母h表示什么多少公里每小时?
    How many kilometers per hour does the letter H in tire specifications mean?
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      智慧职教: 轮胎规格中,字母D表示轮胎的名义直径,B表示轮胎的厚度。

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      智慧职教: Ф50H7中字母H表示,数字7表示

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      I ___________ at 130 kilometers per hour when the policeman stopped me.

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      The new model can reach a speed of 100 kilometers per hour in ______.

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      说明轮胎规格215/60 R 16 95 H中各字母、数字的含义