智慧职教: 轮胎规格中字母h表示什么多少公里每小时?
How many kilometers per hour does the letter H in tire specifications mean?
How many kilometers per hour does the letter H in tire specifications mean?
- 智慧职教: 自动变速器油多少公里更换一次? How many kilometers does the automatic transmission oil change once?
- 智慧职教: 轮胎规格型号中R表示什么意思? What does R mean in tyre specifications and models?
- 智慧职教: 正时皮带多少公里更换 How many kilometers is the timing belt replaced?
- 智慧职教: 轮胎规格型号中第几位表示半径? Which of the tire specifications represents the radius?
- If an object is moving at a speed of 36 kilometers per hour, how many meters does it travel in one second?() A: 10 B: 36 C: 100 D: 360 E: 1000