• 2021-04-14
    Latte is_____________.
  • a basic espresso coffee + steamed milk


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      Which of the following are coffee names? A: Cappuccino B: Expresso C: Latte D: Latino

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      He is getting into the _____ years of his career.() A: late B: later C: latter D: latte

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      ‍Which of the following is not a type of wine?‏ A: red wine B: white wine C: champagne D: latte

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      In the complimentary close, which word should be capitalized? ______. A: The latte B: Both C: Neithe D: The forme

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      “拿铁”是意大利文“latte”的译音,原意为“牛奶”。 A: 正确 B: 错误