Compounds can be classified into .
A: attributive compounds
B: coordinative compounds
C: subordinative compounds
D: derivative compounds
A: attributive compounds
B: coordinative compounds
C: subordinative compounds
D: derivative compounds
- Compounds composed of molecules (molecular compounds) usually contain only elements.
- Phenolic compounds and can be classified into two main groups known as flavonoids and nonflavonoids one flavonoids.()
- S-containing compounds are a group of naturally occurring chemical compounds that mostly contain basic nitrogen atoms.
- Aroma compounds in food have no relationship with other compounds in<br/>food such as non volatile compounds. ( )
- 植物化学物可以分为( )。 A: Phenolic compounds B: S-containing compounds C: Terpenes D: Alkaloid
- 0
Matter is composed of ______ , compounds and ______ .
- 1
The stress patterns of compounds are not ______.
- 2
Compounds with a symmetry plane are chiral
- 3
Only words of the same parts of speech can be combined to form compounds
- 4
What are the features of compounds? Give examples.