- Print Screen the grammar check Conditional Clause ( 截屏展示WeLearn 语法部分的完成情况)
- 复习WeLearn随行课堂上LessonA内容(教师以WeLearn学习时长为参考)。2)完成FIF口语训练上发布的第一次作业。完成后在学习通答案处回复:已完成!答案以FIF分数为准。
- What questions may not be appropriate for a job interview? (Refer to Exercise 4 Look at the questions below in WElearn. 参考WELearn TextA 后面的第四题)
- 测试内容:WELearn随行课堂《全新版大学进阶英语(综合教程2)》Unit1的UnitTest(CET-Oriented)中PartIIBankedCloze一题要求:填写每空序号或者单词!!
- There are many things that can ruin your job interview. Please list the 9 worst reasons why you did not get the job. (Please refer to Unit 8 Text A in WELearn. 请参考WELearn 平台Unit8 Text A)